By Arvel Grant, Political and Current Affairs Analyst
November 18th, 1978, gave the World one of the most disturbing mass murders of the faithful by a spiritual leader. The US preacher, Reverend Jim Jones, leader of the People’s Temple (an off-the-grid, bush settlement)
established in Guyana, is reported to have ordered the mass murder of more than 800 of his followers, deep in the jungle, near Guyana’s border with Venezuela.

The weapon of choice? A cocktail of a poisoned brew referred to as “The
Kool-Aid”. Jim Jones may even have used the force of arms to dictate his murderous sacrificial ritual. So horrific and remote was the murder scene, the clean-up had to be undertaken using military logistics. Did Reverend Jim Jones kill his followers to hide evidence from US authorities?
43 years later, The Reverend Dr Kevin Smith, leader of the Pathway
International Kingdom Restoration Ministries in Paradise, near Montego Bay, Jamaica, may have summoned congregants to come urgently to his temple, dressed in white (without mobile phones) in order to “escape the pending flood”. Up to 144 women, children and men obeyed.
The police eventually received a call from an injured member, who managed to escape, what may have been an attempt to offer her up as a sacrifice. So brutish and murderous was the scene inside the religious sanctuary that police first responders were met with gunfire, forcing them to retreat and call for backup. In the meantime, at least 1 member of the Reverend Dr Smith’s congregation, might have already been sacrificed.
Some believe only a quick response by the high command of the Montego Bay police and a commando-style entry to the place of worship prevented many more members of the cult from being offered up.
What, if anything could the Canadian-trained psychologist be trying to hide? If he spent 10 years in Canada before returning to Jamaica as a
psychologist, he is certainly not your typical “half-baked-street-pastor”
trying to con vulnerable believers out of money and property. If his church really collects more than a million dollars each week, he is
definitely on to a quite successful business model, if not a criminal
Is it a fact that his congregation includes: security officers, school teachers, health workers and tax collectors? Then, one cannot count his followers as being among Jamaica’s poor and vulnerable??? Some may believe he was a good man, even performing miracles, but that he became “radicalized”? A psychologist masquerading as a minister of religion can shaft anyone who wants to be had.
Contextually, it is believed that Jamaica owns the unique contradiction: Of
having the most churches per capita, along with one of the highest murder rates in the world. Throughout history, where ever societies descended into intractable and uncontrollable mayhem, fundamentalist religion and organized crime have often been key ingredients in the toxic brew. The intelligence community, in Jamaica, may wish to include this historical fact in its calculus, going forward.
Walk good and remember, the faithful believe that God owns everything,
so he does not need your money and property. High quality and well
regulated social services offered by your church, mosque, synagogue or
temple, need it more.
by Arvel Grant, Political and Current Affairs Analyst
Authorized for publication without changes or modifications. All rights
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