Arvel Grant Today

Belize’s People’s United Party (PUP) bites National Democratic Party (NDP) a hot 27 to 4 defeat in November 11 general elections

While the opposition People’s United Party (PUP) was led into the general elections by it’s experienced Political Leader; The governing National Democratic Party faced the electorate with new leadership. Belize’s Electoral and Boundaries Commission, estimates an 80% turnout.

Former Prime Minister Dean Barrow, having served his mandatory three terms, and former PM Said Musa, having retired his parliamentary seat, on account of a stroke; left the doors open for both major political parties to offer new prime ministerial leadership.

Rising numbers of COVID cases, declining economic activities and the governing NDP’s attempts to pass an equal rights bill (including gay rights provisions) may have been the “teeth” in this bite.

On the face of such a ferocious defeat, it appears that COVID’s honeymoon with sitting governments may be coming to an end. Unless a sitting Prime Minister has the political “midas touch” of a Ralph Gonsalves. That being the case, all governments contemplating general elections during this COVID era, may wish to prepare for trial by virus, as part of the, political obstacle course.

Walk good, until next time.
Arvel Grant, Political and Current Affairs Analyst